By Edward R. Schwab has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac: | |
There's A Heaven
() Weston's Talents Are Close To Heavenly Review written by By Edward R. Schwab from St. Louis, MO, August 30th, 2005 This CD is far from predictable. Copying the pastiche-like approach he had done on the album "Penguin" with the rest of his Mac coleagues, Weston delivers a cross between a Mercedes-Benz and a monster truck on this outing. Quite frankly, why this album isn't commercially available is as unfathomable as it is disheartening. Here, he proves his clout as not just an excellent and honed guitarist, but also a vocalist as well. He further surprises the listener by presenting near-copies of the guitar work of both Buckingham and Green. Lady Hurricane is an example of what it would have sounded like had Weston been a part of the Rumours lineup; an acoustic and cryptic masterpiece. "Icarus Wings" is a delightful intermingling of bright autoharp and guitar in an almost-Beach boys style. "Troubled Man", however, is the shining star on this set (and destined to be the first release, if the CD ever sees the prosperity it deserves). With Green-influenced guitar soloing and an almost jazz-funk delivery. "All The Love In The World" is almost entirely sang by Weston's backup singer Lenae, who proves here, that she is also long overdue for noteriety. Overall, I actually tried to find something un-perfect about this album, and the only thing I was left with was wanting more... | |