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The Other Side Of The Mirror - Stevie Nicks

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The Other Side Of The Mirror (1989) - Stevie Nicks

    Featuring »

Stevie Nicks

    Tracklisting »

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Rooms On FireLyrics available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:30
  Comments: Chart: Billboard US Hot 100 Singles Peak Position: 16 Peak Dates: Jul 1, 1989 Weeks On Charts: 14 Chart: Billboard UK Top 50/40 Singles Peak Position: 16 Peak Dates: May 27, 1989 Weeks On Charts: 5
Long Way To GoLyrics available Midi available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:06
Two Kinds Of LoveLyrics availableFan interpretation available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:48
Ooh My LoveLyrics available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 5:02
  Comments: The liner notes in the CD edition of The Other Side Of The Mirror only list Lori Perry-Nicks for "Backing Vocals" though the liner notes of the "Enchanted" box lists both Sharon Celani & Lori for "Background Vocals" for this performance.
GhostsLyrics availableFan interpretation available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:45
Whole Lotta TroubleLyrics availableFan interpretation available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:58
Fire BurningLyrics availableFan interpretation available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 3:16
Cry WolfLyrics available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:12
AliceLyrics availableFan interpretation available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 5:50
JulietLyrics available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:55
Doing The Best I Can (Escape From Berlin)Lyrics availableFan interpretation available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 5:35
I Still Miss Someone (Blue Eyes)Lyrics available
  Date Performance: 1989, Running Time: 4:08
    Guest Appearances »

Mike/Michael Campbell, Sharon Celani, Geoff Dugmore, Kenny G(orelick), Gary Grant, Gary Grant, Jerry Hey, Jerry Hey, Rupert Hine, Bruce Hornsby, Vail Johnson, Kelly Johnston, Tony Levin, Jerry Marotta, Derek Murphy, Rick/Richard Nowels, Lori Perry-Nicks/Perry/Nicks, Mark/Marc Russo, Mark/Marc Russo, The L.A. Horns, Waddy (Robert) Wachtel, Jaime West-Oram, Larry (Lawrence Lowell) William(s), Larry (Lawrence Lowell) William(s)

    Released »


    Format »

Domestic Vinyl/CD Album

    Other Appearances »
Mike/Michael Campbell (Songwriter), John(ny) (Ray) Cash (Songwriter), Roy Cash(, Jr.) (Songwriter), Rupert Hine (Songwriter), Jude (Lynn) Johnstone (Songwriter), Charlie/Charles (Arthur) Judge (Doctor) (Songwriter), Stevie Nicks (Songwriter), Rick/Richard Nowels (Songwriter), Herbert Wheeler Worthington, III (Art Direction), DZN, The Design Group (Design), DZN, The Design Group (Layout), Tom Utley (Logo Design), Rupert Hine (Produced By), Tony Dimitriades (Management), Glen Par(r)ish (Management), Alex Scott (Management), Stephen W. Taylor/Tayler (Recorded By), Stephen W. Taylor/Tayler (Mixed By), Aron Chakravert (Mastered By), Rupert Hine (Arranged By), Lance Krive (Mixing Assistant), Derek Murphy (Mixing Assistant), Jamie Wilson (Hair), Lance Krive (Recording Assistant), Herbert Wheeler Worthington, III (Photo), Tim Lietner (New York Hit Factory Engineer), Bob (Baughb) Salcedo/Salsedo (LA Smoketree Ranch Recording Assistant), Jimmy Hoyson (Santa Monica Ground Control Rcrdng Astnt), Ray Pyle (Hollywood Lionshare Recording Assistant), Derek Murphy (England Farmyard Studios Recording Astnt), Paul Loeves (New York Hit Factory Recording Assistant), Tracy Shrier (Clothes), Mitch Shrier (Clothes), Ian Ashley (Kimonos), Karen Hytten (Scarlet Red Dress), Milo Vasil (Scarlet Red Dress), Mardiros Vartanian (Boots By)

    Record Label »
Modern Records

    Catalogue Number »

7 91245-2 (US CD) 91245-1 (US LP) EMD 1008 (UK EMI LP)

    Running Time »


    Liner Notes »

Recorded at:
"The Castle" - Los Angeles
Smoketree Ranch - Los Angeles
Ground Control - Santa Monica
Lionshare - Hollywood
Farmyard Studios - England
Hit Factory - New York

Mixed at Farmyard Studios, England

Mastered at "The Master Room," London

Kenny G appears courtesy of Arista Records
Bruce Hornsby appears courtesy of RCA Records
Jamie West-Oram appears courtesy of RCA Records
Rupert Hine appears courtesy of Ariola Records
Geoff Dugmore appears courtesy of Sire Records
Vail Johnson appears courtesy of Arista Records

Hair-Jamie Wilson, for being Rapunzel's saving grace

Boots by Mardiros Vartanian of Maia Custom Shoe Salon - for being my foundation

Computer Baby:
Special Thanks...

To my mother, who gives me the strength to go on...
to my father, who said even in his darkest despair, that I had been a pleasure to him, from the day I was born...

for, "A WHOLE lot Of Trouble" dedicated to Doug Morris, Ahmet Ertegun, and Paul Fishkin for that 'ATLANTIC' music men...

to John Branca, for being my ears...

to Rebecca Alvarez, for never giving up on me...

to Stephen W. Tayler, for being so good...and, so fast!!!

to Loretta and Sharona, for never leaving me...

to Ginny Kamano, for taking care of all my wonderful mail...

to Rupert Hine, for being absolutely brilliant...

to Tony Dimitriades, for keeping the FLEET...together

to Alex Scott, for always being so kind (and scottish)

to Fleetwood Mac, for being, after all this time...wonderful

to Glen Parrish, for eight years, and all his love...

to Freddie for backing us all up...

to Kelly, for her wild, wild heart!

to Doug Casper, for never forsaking me...

to Gerri Leonard, who tells me I spend too much money...

to Kenny G, for captivating me...

to Bruce Hornsby, for being quite extraordinary (and very...very funny)...

to Jamie from the FIXX, for making me wish I had continued to practice my guitar...

to Waddy Wachtel, always the beauty, never the beast...(unforgettable...)

to Jerry Marotta...for, "Don't steal the show Jerry, you're just the drummer!!!"

to Tony Levin, for playing beautiful and being beautiful...

to Vail Johnson, for playing beautiful and being precious...

to Jude Johnstone, for seeing through my eyes and much, much more...

to Derek, for he was always there...

to Dan Nash, for all of his early help...

to Hutch, for being there when I needed him the most...

to Geoff Dugmore, for playing GREAT drums, (and for being scottish).

Thanks to Mike Morongell, for constructing Castle Studios overnight...and ensuring it worked well...

Thanks to Shelley Yakus and Jimmy Iovine, for their help in setting up Castle Studios.

Thanks to B.E.L. electronics for inventing the B.D.E. 26005...we were never without it!

Thanks to Marcus, Simon and Michael, for traveling in a relaxed style and activities above and beyond the call of duty...

to Heidi, Rick, and Trevor for looking after us at Farmyard Studios...

to the ladies in England and in America who cooked for us THANK YOU!

to Smoke Tree, for taking us back to the mountains...

to Lionshare, for the crystal...and the golden mirrors...(and silent night).

to Los Angeles, for its smog, and its electricity...

to England...for its mists and its beauty...

to Greg Rice at Modern Records...

to everyone at Atlantic Records...

to Tom Petty, for inspiration...

to Bob Dylan...for my most memorable moment...

to Michael Campbell for being my teacher's hands...

to Janis Fishkin, for being my guiding light...

to Martin, for being "our" guardian angel...

to Richard Metzner for his extraordinary compassion...

to Saram Khalsa for his great spirit...

to Henry Reuss for 22 years of love and care...

to Lance, for his devotion...

to Cory, for standing by us...

to "Two Kinds Of Love" theirs...and ours...

to Christopher, for his tears and always being there...

to Rosa Morales, for taking care of all of us...

to Herbie, for photographing the life and times of Stevie Nicks...

to Stephen Genender, for being my good friend...


And not to forget...Kim Brakley, Barbara Buck, and Christi Ducos and Christie Thomason (for without whom we could not survive...).

This album is dedicated to "Alice" (in wonderland...)

My Grandmother...
the Queen of Hearts...

(P) (C) 1989 Modern Records (Cassettes and Compact Discs), Inc. Est. 1980
9111 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Ditributed by Atlantic Recording Corporation
75 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, New York 10019

A Warner Communications Company

All rights reserved.

Unauthorized reproduction/duplication of this recording is prohibited by fenderal law and a violation of applicable laws and subject to criminal prosecution.

Made in U.S.A. by WEA Manufacturing Inc.

Compact Disc Digital Audio

0 756 4

    Reviews »

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There are 7 visitor reviews for The Other Side Of The Mirror. See them all here.

Take her back to the other side...please!
Review written by Jon the Moonspinner, February 17th, 2010

On "Alice", which facetiously calls up Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland", Stevie Nicks firmly asserts: "'All right' said Alice...I'm going back to the other side of the mirror!" And Stevie should have followed closely behind her. Having spent too time in a bewitching world of tales and talismans has hurt Stevie's stories. She still works wonders with a wooden arrangement or balky melody, but it's her poetry here which gets her into trouble. Nothing on the fanciful side of this "Mirror" is really gripping, while the production keeps all the tracks in a swarthy-gothic key. "Rooms On Fire" gets better with repeated listens, but Stevie just isn't living in the present day here. Those 'crystal visions' have taken over, and zapped her of any real fire.

This time the house landed on the good witch
Review written by Anonymous, August 14th, 2004

So what do you do when your previous album (Rock a Little) is an utter disater? Why, turn in an equally flawed effort of course. Granted, Rock a Little was a commercial success, it got scathing reviews and rightfully so. The synths are a mistake!! Stop using them! You are a ROCK star not a POP star. Having just come out of rehab one would think that she would have some interesting things to talk about. Not quite. The album finds her drained and she resorts to singing a handful of other people's songs. Not a wise move considering the songs she chose to cover are pop schlock that should have been given to Debbie Harry or some other rock chick. The songs she did write are near awful. "Escape from Berlin" talks about her drug days but the music is just too bland. "Cry Wolf" is a song which she did not write but she sings well on it. The only worth while song is "Whole Lotta Trouble" it is nice to hear her cut loose and wail. Why didn't she do that for the whole album? Why? Thankfully her legendary rock status was already secured by this time.

Stevie's magic album...
Review written by Anonymous, August 14th, 2004

This is truely a magical album. Stevie's voice just sounds great. Especially compared to her vocals on 1985's "Rock A Little" and Fleetwood Mac's 1987 album "Tango In The Night" (both excellent albums, highly recommended! Anyway...) Stevie really got her act together for this album. Great songs and great production. "Rooms On Fire" is a just a great song, but is one of her forgotten hits. "Long Way To Go" is an angry hard rocker, "Two Kinds Of Love" is a boring ballad though, with Stevie dueting with Bruce Hornsby. "Ooh My Love" is obviously one of the highlights, if not the hightlight, of this album. Such a tragic song and that closing line of the song "No one can take you away from me, one..." will just send chills up and down your spine! "Ghosts" is true and "Whole Lotta Trouble" is an awesome song and showcases Stevie with a serious dose of attitude. "Fire Burning" is a catchy little number and "Cry Wolf" is one of the album's downpoints. "Alice" is great and goes along with that famous tale about the girl through the other side of the mirror. "Juliet" is also catchy and Stevie just cuts loose. "Doing The Best I Can" is a moody song about her drug problems and "I Still Miss Someone" is a poignant cover and Stevie almost makes it her own. I love how she recorded this in a castle, and you can kind of tell with the way that the songs' echo. This album transports you to a castle of your own. But, one of the mistakes Stevie did was to let Kenny G drown two of the songs ("Two Kinds Of Love" which was already bad enough, and the magnificent "Alice") in terrible, adult-contemporary-like, sleepy saxophone. But, with that aside, this is Stevie's most emotional, and creative album. A stellar album from Stevie!

    Comments »

Hit #10 on U.S. Billboard charts-June 10,1989

RIAA Certification:
July 11,1989-Gold

    Last Modified »
    Tracklisting »
Discography entry submitted by Marty Adelson.